The New Corporate Catering

Cocobeet Cleanses — The New Corporate Catering Tired of soggy sandwiches and processed meats for your lunch meetings? Worried about dodging the ubiquitous donut box in the break room? Sick of the carb-loaded bagels and breads?Let Cocobeet be your corporate partner and bring health into the workplace:

  • -Revive tired client luncheons with a colorful selection of Boston’s own fresh, cold-pressed juices, smoothies, and pure organic foods;
  • -Restock the company refrigerator and cater your company events with serious brain food to fuel your creativity and energize your day;
  • -Bond over better health with Boston’s best corporate juice cleanse.

It’s a fact: healthy employees are happier and more productive. A healthy workplace speaks volumes about a company and how they value their workforce.And now it’s convenient: Cocobeet is located right around the corner from the Financial District by the Government Center T stop in City Hall Plaza.  Delivery and shipping options available! We offer a 10% discount on all corporate juice cleanses (minimum of 3 participants).  Contact us for details and to schedule.Visit us at 100 City Hall Plaza in Boston, or call 857.263.8598 to learn more and order now.Click here to learn more about why a corporate juice cleanse will help your office get healthy.


Boston Herald's coolest summer drinks - Cocobeet's Blue Coconut


Why Cleanse with Cocobeet?