Another Rave Review: Healthy Meets Hungry Juice Cleanse


"I was really impressed with the freshness, quality, and flavor...." "Their juices are packed with so many pounds of produce it’s unreal." "I love the reset feeling I get from doing one and how it gives my body a break from digesting solids."

Aw, shucks. Kind words from one of Boston's healthiest blogger's, Christina Orso of Hungry Meets Healthy.

She featured Cocobeet on her blog last month, extolling the virtues of our completely unprocessed, cold-pressed juices and pure vegan foods.  She was hooked and signed up for a Plant Packed Juice Cleanse (an experienced cleanser, Christina was ready to for our most intense all-juice cleanse).  As recommended, she prepared herself by cleaning out her diet before diving into a three-day cleanse.Did she like it? You bet. As she says in the article: "Boston locals, get to City Hall Plaza and get to juicin’!"


Plant-Based Diets: Breaking the Stigma


Clean Til Five: Introducing Our Daytime-Only Cleanse